Equestrian & Performance Coaching

Nicola Read
Preliminary Trailblazers qualifiers 2015
Sound Schooling-MP3 lessons to download
www.soundschooling.com provides a variety of audio lessons, including 'Warm up in preparation for a riding a Dressage test at Intro & Prelminary level.'‘Basic Warm-Up’, ‘Starting the Leg-Yield’, ‘Developing the Transitions’, ‘Using Circles to Develop Suppleness’ and ‘Working from Behind’. There are also podcasts (non-riding lesson) on Starting Dressage to Music and On Understanding What the Judge is looking for at Intro- Elementary levels. There is also a Music podcast by Gold Medal Kur composer Tom Hunt. The sound schooling product was awarded Best Product of the month by Your Horse magazine- What would your lesson topic be? let me know.To view the available lessons visit; www.soundschooling.com/view_lessons.php
An expert in your ear – downloadable audio lessons for riders by Rona Willicott, Sound Schooling
An expert in your ear – downloadable audio lessons for riders by Rona Willicott, Sound Schooling
Sometimes, as much as I love riding my brilliant horse Flynn, and especially schooling, it’s difficult to muster up the enthusiasm after a tiring, long day at work. Or if it’s sub-zero or a bit windy. Or if there’s no-one else riding that night. After all, doesn’t Flynn look so warm and cosy in his rug tucking happily into his hay (I’m sure he knows exactly the expression to use when he doesn’t fancy being ridden). And sometimes when I ride, I find myself drifting into bad habits, or doing the same old schooling exercises that I did the day before.Sound familiar?
I was reading a book about three years ago, and remember reading one particular section where the author was describing how to ride a particular movement and giving an analogy of how it should feel for the rider. It was so inspiring that I could visualise myself doing it when I was riding in my head. But I remember thinking ‘well, that’s great but by the time I next get on there’s no way I will remember that. Wouldn’t it be great if she was reading the book to me whilst I was actually riding?’
And so Sound Schooling was conceived and in stepped Kim Ratcliffe, an NLP-qualified British Dressage trainer and List 1 Dressage Judge, and next came the hard work over the next couple of years, learning how to record, edit and test affordable, top quality lesson downloads from top trainers. It certainly wasn’t as easy as I had first thought. There’s no shortage of inspiration now that we’re adding to Sound Schooling’s library of audio lesson downloads. Flynn has become Sound Schooling’s chief lesson tester, (a job he does particularly well), and will happily ignore me while I talk away to myself on board with improvements and edits.
If you’ve got a safe arena and an MP3 player - many phones will now play MP3 tracks now - try an audio lesson next time you’re feeling a bit unmotivated or can’t think what to do in your schooling session. You simply download the lesson onto your MP3 player via your computer and plug in your headphones. Tuck in all the wires and put your MP3 player into your pocket (we like the iPod Shuffle as it’s small and just clips onto your jods) and you’re ready to go! We’re always delighted to hear from you if you’ve tried a Sound Schooling audio lesson. Search for Sound Schooling on Facebook or Twitter or email me (Rona) at info@soundschooling.com.